We help adults, teens, and tweens with bladder and bowel issues, pelvic and abdominal pain, sexual dysfunction, infertility, prenatal and postpartum issues, and orthopedic pain return to the activities that they love by optimizing function.


Reduce or Eliminate pain
Live your life without pain limiting you!

Regain control over bladder issues
Do the things you love without leaking, urgency, or pain limiting you!

Regain control over bowel issues
Live your life doing the things you love without bowel issues stopping you!

Address pregnancy related issues.
Thrive throughout your pregnancy while preparing for delivery!

Quickly address any postpartum issues.
Enjoy time with your baby without pain limiting you

Don’t let prolapse slow you down.
Stay active doing the things you love without fear getting in the way!

Have better sex
Enjoy sex without pain limiting you!

Address male pelvic health
Regain control over your pelvic health!

Don’t let pain slow you down.
Enjoy living your life doing the things you love!

Optimize your fertility journey. Feel supported during your fertility challenges!


What Are You Struggling With?

At Restore Your Core PT we specialize in resolving or significantly improving pelvic floor issues in men, women, tweens, and teens.

Have you seen multiple medical providers and unsure if we can help you?

A very large majority of our patients have seen an average of 7 physicians and an average of 3 other pelvic PTs before being referred to or finding Restore Your Core PT.  Our doctors spend 100% of their days working with clients who are experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction.  We have seen just about everything.  Send us a message below via the chat bot or give us a call and we will review your specific case and let you know how we can help you.

Are you experiencing pregnancy related pain?

Whether you are experiencing back pain, SI joint pain, hip/groin pain, difficulty walking due to pain or you just want a healthy pregnancy and delivery, we can help you.

Is pelvic pain affecting your ability to live life to its fullest?

Our doctors are able to help with all types of pelvic pain – endometriosis, vaginismus, interstitial cystitis, pudendal neuralgia, vulvodynia, chronic prostatitis, and many other diagnoses.  We often help patients who have been to several providers and do not have an official diagnosis.

Are bowel or bladder issues limiting you?

The pelvic muscles must function optimally to resolve or significantly decrease urinary leaking, urinary urgency/frequency, waking more than 2x per night to toilet, and to prevent recurrent UTIs.  We can also help you improve or resolve constipation, fecal smearing, gas incontinence, and abdominal cramping and bloating.

Are postpartum issues holding you back?

Problems are common but not normal in the postpartum phase.  New moms frequently voice low back pain, SI joint pain, diastasis recti, urinary leaking, constipation, painful intercourse, prolapse, and pain associated with scarring from C-section, episiotomy, or vaginal tears.  We help moms get back to their everyday activities, but we also help moms return to running, Barre, CrossFit, F45 and whatever else they want to do!

Are you a male struggling with pelvic health issues?

Yes, men have pelvic floors too!  There is a common misconception that pelvic floor dysfunction only happens in women-not true! Common issues men experience that have a pelvic muscle link include pain, urinary or bowel issues, and sexual dysfunction.  We specialize in male pelvic health and we are here to help you.

Take the Quiz

Not sure of your pelvic floor is contributing to your issues?  Don’t suffer in silence. Take this short quiz to help determine if you have a pelvic floor disorder.

Step 1 of 7

In my lifetime, I have fallen on my butt, tailbone, or back?
I currently have or have a history of back pain, SI joint pain, hip or groin pain, tailbone pain, or sciatica?

I’m positive that the work they did with me was the final piece to the puzzle that I needed for a successful pregnancy.

They helped me prepare for childbirth and are currently helping my body get back to where it should be postpartum. They not only helped my body function more normally they truly care for you and want to ensure you are looking after your whole self.

From the first appointment I have felt at ease, comfortable, respected, and listened to. Restore Your Core lives up to its name.

- Rebecca

Hear what others have to say...

Hear it from others:

Pelvic Pain

There simply aren’t words to describe how forever grateful and thankful I am for the gift she has to treat her patients. Since she has corrected the severe discomfort and pain I was experiencing, I have been able to be the wife and mom that I am meant to be, and for that alone I couldn’t be more thankful.



After a significant tear during childbirth, I was assured that all I needed was time and I would start feeling normal again. It took 6 months for me to decide that the pain and pressure may be a new normal, but it was not a normal I was ok with.

Acclaimed health and lifestyle programs